Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 8, 2010

My ever evolving workout regiment has taken yet another turn. My new thing now is getting into "fighting shape". After watching a commerical for the new UFC game, yes I got pumped up about a commercial, it made me start to think back to the glory days. Prior to my back injury I was very adept at Brazillian Jui Jitsu (sp?) and loved it. We would fight for hours working on technique and I remember how great I would feel afterwards. It was a total body workout in the purest of forms. Complete functional strength that allows a person to reach their potential. Instead of hitting the gym and just lifting weights your body must use the stabilizing muscles in a more efficient way. This helps ward off injury and gives added support to the larger muscles thus making your training more effective.

After lifting for years I am not sure why it took me so long to get to this conclusion. It was probably the whole back thing but why let that hold me back? It's going to hurt regardless so I might as well have some fun with it. Of course the beginning stages will be parred down just a little in order to strengthen those muscle and work my way into shape. The key here is injury prevention not injury addition.

My fitness style continiously changes to ensure I never get bored. If you read my blog then you'll see it seems that everyday something is added, deleted or both.

Today- hit the heavy bag for about 10-15 minutes plus incorporated some kicks in.
Walking variation push ups.
Wall sits.

Everyday will consist of 30-45 minutes of exercise. We can all find at least this much time to get in some physical activity. Put down the remote and get off the internet for 30 minutes a day to have a better quality of life. To live a sedentary lifestlye is to let life slowly and ignorantly pass you by. Who wants to do that? I certainly don't.

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